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The psychological shift from saving to spending in retirement The narrative of a miserly, Scrooge-like figure hoarding his wealth for years instead of enjoying his retirement might seem unbelievable—but unfortunately, it is not relegated only to fiction. It is a cold reality for many retirees. Although most retirees’ stories are not as dramatic as Scrooge’s, […]

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Think you have been scammed? These steps will help you take action to limit the damage. Know you are not alone, and you can recover from this. There is support available, if and when you need it. Act fast if you’ve been scammed If you’ve been scammed, follow these steps to take action. Don’t send […]

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We all know there is an acute rental housing shortage. It is getting worse, not better. One of the most fundamental responsibilities of a government is to be able to ensure that the essentials of life are available to those that they are elected to look after. Housing is one of those most basic needs. […]

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Hopes that we had seen the peak of inflation in March were dashed again as Australia’s inflation rate reaches 6.1% – the fastest annual increase in 21 years. This latest data will inevitably lead to further interest rate rises in the coming months.  Share markets around the world are reacting to the rising inflation numbers […]

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For all the wisdom of decades of investing, not much has changed in financial markets. Boom and bust cycles still exist and with the prospect of substantial gains, there is always motivation to engage in speculation. What is constant however across all investment cycles is the behaviour of investors. We are currently experiencing a great […]

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I have read countless books on investing, met an enormous number of financial experts and fund managers, and made pretty much every investing mistake possible! If I could distil my learnings into one statement, it would be this: the short term is unknowable, but the long term is inevitable. Let me share my three all-time favourite […]

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Four major issues are influencing markets at the moment: Rising rates and the withdrawal of liquidity The disruptive effect of the Omicron wave The potential for conflict between Russia and Ukraine Chinese policy easing Of these, only the fourth is positive. As a result we have seen equities weaken in the year to date. At […]

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Australia’s economic recovery is expected to be driven by a 7.3% boost in household spending in 2021 as an embattled population loosens the purse strings and gets back to business as usual. While the pandemic is still a persistent threat, it is giving way to a return to more normal living conditions, and both job […]

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The following explanation of the tax system has been popular for many years. “I’ve been waiting a long time for a chance to use this. The numbers may not be exactly right, but the idea is. The unarguable bottom line is that everyone’s view of the fairness of the tax system – like most such […]

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